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June 11, 2003

Corporal Punishment

Over the weekend (and it was a long weekend too, in the greatest Aussie tradition) I have been thinking about corporal punishment. When I went to school (back in the dark ages) it was acceptable for the school to use corporal punishment as long as the parents were informed and they had signed a permission slip (normally at enrolment time). There were official guidelines (established by the school) that controlled how, why and by whom the punishment was administered. It was rarely used and in effect was more an indication that expulsion was not warranted (just like in Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" where lashes are only rewarded if the trooper can be 'redeemed').
Naturally my parents signed but it was never used on me. I was not an angel but lesser punishment) like detention and extra homework were sufficient. Out of my class of 40, only one boy was ever "paddled" and he was later expelled for some other incident.
Now, apparently, the schools have a "hands off" policy and do not use corporal punishment. How do I know? My son, who only started school this year was a prime candidate for punishment last week but didn't get it. He ran out on the road from the school. Twice. The first time, you can perhaps excuse. The second time is obviously testing the teacher's ability to deal with him. It is not only dangerous for my son but he is also setting a bad example to other little children in his class.
A relative who is anti-corporal punishment claimed that banning corporal punishment in schools was a positive thing that prevented abuse by teachers. I agree that there are some adults who may have enjoyed punishing children and this may have led to physical abuse. I hope that a quick analogy will help here: there are some drivers who speed. All the time. Not by a lot but consistently. This can injure children (even kill them). So driving should be banned for all adults (even responsible ones). Crazy?

Posted by Ozguru at June 11, 2003 01:06 AM


We live in a world where people sue cafes for not indicating that the coffee was hot, fast food restaurants for not indicating that their food has a high fat content, cigarette manufacturers cos they forgot to mention that cigarettes are cancerous...whaddaya expect!!!

Posted by: jivha at June 11, 2003 01:06 AM

Heeey... No one told me i had to buy fuel to run my car as well...

Posted by: Peskie at June 11, 2003 01:06 AM

People are sissies nowadays. I hope you read him the riot act? :-)

Posted by: Glenn at June 11, 2003 01:06 AM