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July 01, 2003


There was new graffiti near the bus stop this morning (actually yesterday morning now). I have been told that it is the result of artistic frustration and boredom. Yeah, right. If that is true then the moon is made of green cheese! Even better, I can sell you shares in a bridge :wink.
If it really was due to artistic constipation, it could be vented at home, not on my fence. Besides what artistic merit can be found in illegible scrawls hurriedly sprayed on someone elses' property? I think it is more like some form of territorial marking (and it's my territory, I paid for it) like dogs and other wild animals. I wonder if a hunting licence would take care of it?
Not much point in addressing these criminals directly as it is unlikely that they can read let alone use the internet! Regardless, I want to make it clear that next time (if I catch them) then I will be taking affirmative action (ie I will apply a lump of 4x2 actively in an affirmative and positive manner - sort of like using a baseball bat but with splinters).
For those scratching their heads, this is a lead in for this works serious topic on Slumbering Pierrot - Affirmative Action!

Posted by Ozguru at July 1, 2003 08:07 AM


There was new graffiti on the bus this morning and i said DAMN that looks nice. Artistic frustration and boredom. Where did you hear this. Who ever told you this was not a graffiti artist. You dont know the real reason taggers write on walls, busses, trains, etc. We have many reasons we do what we do. Next time you write about some that your not totaly literate about, make sure you know the whole story. We are Societies Criminals Krew.

Posted by: seven12r at July 1, 2003 08:07 AM

Fine. I don't care what the reasons are. I was repeating a common excuse given by people apologizing for the anti-social / criminal activities of idiots. As I think the article made very clear: the graffiti artist (debatable term that) can go ahead and do their business on their OWN property. Feel free to paint YOUR fridge. YOUR letterbox. YOUR front door. If I want illegible scrawls in ugly black paint on my fence then I'll advertise in the paper. In the meatime these idiots are 'tagging' MY fence. I paid for it. I have to clean it. I have to maintain it. I get to choose the colour, decoration, etc. As I made it clear in my article. I catch them and they will become intimately acquainted with their spray cans. In any society destruction or desecration of what doesn't belong to you is a criminal activity. Thanks for leaving your opinion anyhow. I appreciate the readers and I was wondering if anyone would notice or respond to that post from about 6 weeks ago.

Posted by: Ozguru at July 1, 2003 08:07 AM

Oh and by the way, literate means "able to speak about". I think you meant "cognizant" which means "understanding". I won't raise the spelling/grammar because I get that wrong too but meaning is another thing.

Posted by: Ozguru at July 1, 2003 08:07 AM