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July 01, 2003

Geek Test

While browsing Paul's archive (thank goodness he converted them from blogspot) I found a reference to a Geek Test but I think the test is flawed because I only scored 47.73176% and I don't know anyone Geekier (and I have had plenty of time to find them) :-)

Why not try the test yourself, the link is on Paul's site.

[Ed: I tried to put Paul's last name in but somewhere it the internal workings of MT it was getting corrupted. It should be J - A - N - E (with a ' on top) but it comes out looking like something else. It is fine on my screen (in draft) but stuffed by the time the article is published. Sorry about that Paul.]

Posted by Ozguru at July 1, 2003 09:07 PM


16.17357% - Geek oops

Posted by: Peskie at July 1, 2003 09:07 PM

You're NOT gonna believe this...here is the exact copy-paste of MY results on the Geek Test... 16.17357% - Geek !!! prw you're my geek twin brother down to the last geek gene :-DDD Unless the geek test was designed to play around with our minds by spewing out the same answers...:-/

Posted by: jivha at July 1, 2003 09:07 PM