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July 01, 2003

Blog Roundup #2

Pete has started a discussion about design. Of course he was talking about Holden History but the comments could equally apply to an MT site (as noted in the comments by Jivha).

Also (via Jivha) came a link to Anvita's blog where she mentions the social pressure placed on unmarried women. I left a comment about Jivha's "friend". Maybe Anvita could sort him out - he needs help! Then again, maybe she should stay as far away as possible. It is interesting that both stories show an absence of 'equality' which far exceeds that of the complaints raised by local lunatic feminazis. I can see value in promoting equal rights in the environment of these stories but it can be carried too far (hmm sounds like a theme for Slumbering Pierrot). Despite a strong dislike of feminists, I am afraid I would side with Anvita in this situation and not with Mr Not-Yet-Ready.

[Ed's note: between commenting on Anvita's site and spell checking this item, she had already responded - see the comment on this entry. I am not used to such a quick response because most of my posting is done when the US is asleep and I forget that India is way ahead of the US in so many ways :-) especially timezones.]

Posted by Ozguru at July 1, 2003 11:07 PM
