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July 02, 2003

Blog Roundup #3

Glenn is looking to rework his archives (which is something I have so far ignored). He also had a cool reference to this story about women trying to buy real estate. We had the same problem as a couple when all the real estate guys wanted to talk to me instead of my wife. Then one of the mortgage brokers wanted to talk to her and not me (even though it was my income being used for the mortgage). I think my wife had her hair long that day (see this story for an explanation). Glenn also had a story about bull riding being an extreme sport and I was trying to think of the nearest equivalent - maybe kangaroo fighting. I have seen a kangaroo cornered by a pit-bull terrier ...

(Gruesome details in extended section) ...

The kangaroo backed into shallow water (for support?) and waited until the dog jumped up. He (definitely a he) held the dog off with the front paws and balanced on his tail. Both rear legs swung up and tore the stomach (and intestines) out of the dog. Kangaroo dropped the still living dog which appeared to have lost interest in annoying roos and hoped away.

Posted by Ozguru at July 2, 2003 12:07 AM


Ugh! I pity any person who get's a kick out of watching dumb animals fight each other. I really can't figure out how we derive entertainment from watching people/animals inflict pain on each other!!! That includes boxing too.

Posted by: jivha at July 2, 2003 12:07 AM

Hmmm. More context needed. I was tired when I posted that story, The fight was not intentional. A family of roos were grazing peacefully (with a couple of young ones) when this lunatic dog tried to bring down one of the smaller roos. The big male intervened (as per the story) to protect the younger animals. I like dogs but I find it hard to understand why (even in a rural setting) you would keep such an animal (i.e. a dog bred for viciousness and cruelty).

Posted by: Ozguru at July 2, 2003 12:07 AM

Elf. The other white meat... See that? You know what that is? Its a Soap Box And I'm about to get on it... It seems I'm a little behind the times. This article came out on Bored on the Bus earlier (and yes... I know...

Posted by: Random Riddled Ramblings at July 2, 2003 12:07 AM