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July 08, 2003

Late Entries

Sorry for the late entries, I hope the links are not too disrupted. I had intended to post some early entries on Monday (before the Requim post) but there was an ISP outage (probably due to the immature graffitti artists scribling on web pages). There were two good things to come out of the attacks - firstly, I wasn't done (thank goodness) and secondly, it is quicker to remove the grafitti on a web page than to repaint my front fence AGAIN!
While I am communicating regrets, I should note that MommaBear picked up a typo like stuffup with the header of a recent article. It should have read 'English As She Are Spoke!' rather than 'English as She is Spoke'. I did not correct the heading because then someone else would comment that MommaBear got it wrong (and she didn't). That phrase was heavily used when I was a kid along with two others - one was a sign that used to hang near the front door: "Thiss iss a skol tea chairs howze" (or something very similar) and the other was on a cartoon of a fellow holding a diploma: "Two weaks ago I couldn't spel tea-chair and now I are one". Oh the fun of growing up with parents who are educated :-)
Vaguely wandering off the topic, I remember some of the spectacular failures of learning to read by gestault (whole word rather than sounds). Like my son, I learned to read very yound and when I didn't know a word, I'd wing it. The two biggest errors I remember making were the type of care we had then (pew-got should be per-jo/peugeot) and a train station (sir-queue-la kway should be circ-u-lar key/circular quay). Mind you my son had no trouble with the second one which confirms that he is probably a lot smarter than me (quite apart from his belief that he knows everything at five years of age). Should be interesting tonight because he has been at the university (it is school holidays) learning about ancient egypt and mumifying a cucumber! Hope he can remember everything to tell me about it :-)

BTW. Thanks MommaBear for the pointer and the comments. I had seen some of your feedback at All Agitprop, All the Time

Posted by Ozguru at July 8, 2003 12:07 AM


"Two weaks ago I couldn't spel tea-chair and now I are one" - I thought it was ... teck tea-char and now I are one' It looks as if you're edchamacated like I are!!

Posted by: bpw at July 8, 2003 12:07 AM