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July 08, 2003

NZ vs US

Someone please tell me this is a joke.... According to this article in the SMH (see extended entry) about a complaint lodged by the US embassy in NZ about a brothel that calls itself "The White House". All we need now is for a counter suite against the former president for using the White House as a brothel :-) (quickly ducks to avoid rotten fruit being thrown this way).

Seriously, I suspect that under NZ law (as under Australian) you can get away with it as long as the industries are not seen as related. Assuming that a brothel and the government of the USA provide different services, it would be hard to make a claim about either one infringing on the others 'trade'.

Quote from US complains about brothel called The White House.
The US Embassy in New Zealand had lodged a complaint with a brothel that calls itself The White House.
After brothels were legalised in New Zealand this month, The White House in Auckland ... advertised for prostitutes in a newspaper advertisement last week.
The ad ... appeared with a logo almost identical to the US presidential seal, showing an American bald eagle with a ribbon in its mouth, holding the arrows of war and an olive branch.
The White House general manager Scott McGregor told the paper the establishment had used the logo for almost two years, adding, "It's a universally recognised symbol. I don't think they've got exclusive rights to it."

Posted by Ozguru at July 8, 2003 01:07 AM


What type of person is going to be in New Zealand with the urge to visit the U.S. White House, enter this brothel (presumably without crossing any water) and still conduct business as if it were the U.S. White House? I shouldn't be sarcastic, I can see that happening.

Posted by: jaboobie at July 8, 2003 01:07 AM

Bob: Awww look Martha, they got a white house here on the other side of the world. Maybe the queues will be shorter and we could shake GWB by the hand. Martha: Given how advanced America is, this white house probably still has Clinton in it.

Posted by: Ozguru at July 8, 2003 01:07 AM