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July 13, 2003

Blog Roundup

Well the roundup is a little late this week but I hope to finish it in one article instead of a whole collection like last week. On the local (in blog terms, not geographical terms) front, please note that Jivha has moved. His new site is based on MT which means he can now get trackback pings! He also has a multi-step how-to for anyone else trying to migrate from blogspot/backblog and another item outlining the reasons for moving. I think this is fairly representative of a change in the blogsphere (or whatever wierd word is being used this week), and from memory Jay Solo was monitoring this (but I can't spot the link on a quick browse - try searching the archives).
Not quite so local, was the results of an item which commented on an article by Higher Being: Steven Den Beste. From memory, I stumbled across the story after reading something on All Agitprop. Steven very kindly visited my blog, and noticed another (tongue in cheek) article about the etymology of a rude word and wrote both a comment and a very educational response. Thanks Steven.
The fact that USS Clueless linked to my article brought a whole swag of new readers (doubled the numbers easily in the period 6-12 hours after the posting). Some added comments to the original article and others browsed and added comments all over the place which is sort of nice. One comment ended up with multiple corrections and eventually became quite a long post on it's own. This was written by Howarde and a longer version of the article can be found on his site.
A number of people also spotted this picture of Anne-Marie (including Steven Den Beste) and left kind comments or suggestions including one from Bob about ball traps, another from Mollbot who was making a rhymes and a third from Orion (no link) who suggested checking out Elephant Art - paintings done by elephants. There was also a trackback from All Agitprop. Thanks everyone. So far, the party weekend is going well - with a trip to the zoo yesterday, a visit to one grandmother today (70 km west) and godparents on Monday (120 km north).
Mollbot also wrote a followup article to my entry on Parry Hotter. He managed to explain some of the issues I raised and had a completely different interpretation of the snake attack. It is a very convincing view but I still have reservations that revolve around the exact linkage between Mouldy and Parry through the scar. I guess future books will resolve the matter.
Finally to round off this collection there was a neat story about introverts (aren't we all?) that I found via Hi, I'm Black!. Please note that this Glenn is not this Glenn (or at least I don't think so)!

Posted by Ozguru at July 13, 2003 08:07 AM


Tour de Blog Why? Because it's Sunday, and it's a jolly good way of capping off the week and checking up on what's

Posted by: Paul Jané at July 13, 2003 08:07 AM

Tour de Blog Why? Because it's Sunday, and it's a jolly good way of capping off the week and checking up on what's

Posted by: Paul Jané at July 13, 2003 08:07 AM