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July 14, 2003

Family History

One of the reasons for "helping" do the family history is that you get to make sure only good photos of you are kept (and the dodgy photos of you least liked relatives :-)). Unfortunately I seem to have a problem with this and keep offering people the chance to submit better ones if they don't like the one I am alreay using :-(.

Having been doing some this last week, I spotted this photo so that all the readers who have been asking what I look like can have their curiostity satisified. Here is a real picture of me. Note that my beard is not visible, my hair has darkened somewhat and the scowl is now a permanent fixture.....

Also note that I have every right to tell blond jokes - after all, I was one!

Posted by Ozguru at July 14, 2003 07:07 AM
