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July 17, 2003

51st state

Both Jim and Tim are covering this story (this was a similar item some time ago). The gist is that some American-born academic-wannabe has suggested that Australia would become the 51st American State. In particular he suggests that we have no flag (huh?), no sense of nationhood (obviously he hides on Anzac Day), no prime minister in canberra (yeah, like GWB never visits Texas now that he is president), no national bushfire plan (like the US has), and no knowledge of nation (but at least we know our geography). Benefits are supposed to include: access to the best education system (is that the British or Canadian one), the American military (hmmm), merger with the world's strongest currency (Euro or Yen), being part of the world's biggest economy (and still not being able to sell our lamb), fielding teams in the US national basketball, baseball and gridiron competitions (yeah right!).
He overlooked the benefits for the Americans - we can teach them how to spell correctly, fight better (operation kangaroo!), drink real beer, play real football, and of course raise the average IQ level!

(According to the comments on the other web sites, I should also mention the women here but as I have little knowledge of American women I will leave that point alone.)

Posted by Ozguru at July 17, 2003 05:07 PM


Oh no. I missed one. There are also some comments over here.

Posted by: Ozguru at July 17, 2003 05:07 PM

Gee... how could you miss that one. it's one of the best blogs around!! :lol

Posted by: Peskie at July 17, 2003 05:07 PM

Round 'em blogs up again I made some additions to my blog list today. A welcome to Ind of Indian Ink, John of Collinization and TPWBAHTSOM1 of Half the Sins of Mankind! So here’s a roundup of all the blogs on my current list: Yardboy...

Posted by: Jivha - the Tongue at July 17, 2003 05:07 PM