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July 18, 2003

Security who needs it?

I don't even need to make this stuff up any more. What is the fun of pointing out stupidity when they start doing it to themselves? According to a new SMH author ('Online Staff') there is a Critical flaw in latest Windows versions. Being new to this, Mr O. Staff left the words 'again' and possibly 'this week' off the end of that catchy headline. But the opening paragraph just says it all:

Just a day after the US Department of Homeland Security announced a five-year, $US90 million ($A137.51 million) contract with Microsoft, the company has released details of three more vulnerabilities in its products, with one being a critical vulnerability in some versions of the Windows operating system.
The vulnerability ... allows an attacker to gain complete control over a remote computer.

All together now: Here's a nickle son....

Posted by Ozguru at July 18, 2003 12:07 AM


Try AppleTurns for yet more commentary on this ridiculous decision. As they suggest:
Now that the single company whose association with the word "security" is most often prefixed with the phrase "appalling lack of" is providing tons o' software to the folks responsible for protecting us from the bogeyman ... Run! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!

Posted by: Ozguru at July 18, 2003 12:07 AM