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July 18, 2003


Just noticed when checking that last item that apparently there are 400 entries in the blog! Boy am I long winded. There are also 25 pings (i.e. links from other blogs to articles here) and 259 comments. The blog has been going for almost 24 weeks.

According to Sitemeter there have been 1720 visitors since July 1st (part of that figure is estimated from awstats which collects figures for the entire site as opposed to just this blog). Awstats reports that there have been 6196 unique visitors since May 1st.

Anyway, thanks to all you readers who made this possible....

Posted by Ozguru at July 18, 2003 12:07 AM


Make that 260 comments ;-)

Posted by: rr at July 18, 2003 12:07 AM


Posted by: admin at July 18, 2003 12:07 AM