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July 18, 2003

Indian Politics

Me mate, Jivha, has this article on a potential future prime minister of India. He outlines a few problems she faces - being non-Indian born (whoopee!), her family connections (can't have dynasties like the Kennedys or the Bushs), can't speak fluent Hindi (oh for a quiet politiican), doesn' have any opinions (best kind of politician around).

Seriously, we have had stranger things standing for parliment here (albeit with less chance of sucess), like red-headed red-necks. We even had a married Prime Minister who fell in love with another man's wife .... 'I did but see her passing by, and I shall love her til I die!' [10 bonus points if you know who said that and who he was talking about. 20 bonus points if you are non-Australian. 30 points if you are American].

The question about citizenship is a strange one, some countries allow dual citizenship and some do not. When my wife became Australian (before we were married) she gave up her British citizenship. It wasn't a very useful British citizenship because her passport had been stamped in the front (over the 'render assistance' bit) to say "Not permitted to enter or reside in Great Britain". What exactly was the point of that? Anyway, when we did travel to Cold-and-wet-and-not-so- Great Britain, we both used our Australian passports. We then went all over Europe and I think only had to show the passports entering France (and for the ladies - on entering Italy).

Posted by Ozguru at July 18, 2003 09:07 AM
