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July 18, 2003

The Axe!

Anything but the axe. Where I work there is another restructure in progress. There is a new MD and he is "cleaning things up". There will be a bus and we are all getting on the bus, embracing change and being self motivated. As part of the self motivation all the senior staff (including yours truely) have lost their bonuses (restrospectively). In addition half the agency-hire staff got given their marching orders (about a third were shed before Christmas as well). This will ensure that the remaining workers have even more to do and less time to complain. In the group I work with, we are going to lose Mike (the Kiwi) who has managed to perform miracles with jumpstart and automation. In response I would like to quote the blue heeler from a well known TV advert - Bugger!

Posted by Ozguru at July 18, 2003 02:07 PM


To add insult to injury, the deadwood escaped the cut.

Posted by: Ozguru at July 18, 2003 02:07 PM

Since the story has already hit the news, I'll go ahead and make mention. At my job there was recently some "restructuring." A bunch of jobs going overseas, some WFR (workforce reduction), and a few hundred people had their jobs outsourced. I, as a contractor peon, enjoyed seeing the employees of THE COMPANY squirm as the news came about. They treated us like shit because we were contractors, and now they're contractors too. Sweet justice I tell you.

Posted by: Glenn at July 18, 2003 02:07 PM