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July 19, 2003

Site Outage

Hi everyone, we are back on the air after a brief "denial of service" - our ISP was denying service :-) The entire cable network in NSW depends on a single box and when that box falls over we all get the shaft. This upsets the DHCP clients which then get some dodgy (imaginary) IP address which can't connect and that in turns stuffs up the Dynamic IP client which manages out connection. I have to do a sequence of reboots (cable modem, router, server, router, server) to get everything back to normal. Sorry for the outage, feel free to explain to Telstra that they couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery (that's what I told them last time) :angry.

Posted by Ozguru at July 19, 2003 08:07 AM


Sorry, Australian terminology: Piss-up = drinking binge where everyone has too much alcohol (like more than 10 australian strength beers, that would be like 25 american beers I think) Hence "to organise a piss-up" is to find some blokes who want to get drunk and locating a pub to do it in. In turn this means that "to organise a piss-up in a brewery" implies you just have to find people who want to drink (because the "pub" and alcohol are already in place). In other words it is a trivial exercise. Even blind freddy could do it and he can't find his *rse with both hands! :rofl. Final Translation: Telstra is incompetant.

Posted by: admin at July 19, 2003 08:07 AM