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July 24, 2003

More news

Paul has an item on the reported death of two of Hussein's sons. Some sources suggest that there is a third son who escaped but Paul actually names four more sons :-) [BTW, Paul also has some get well wishes for a sick celebrity.]

There is a mad pig mentioned here which apparently killed a cow and had to be hunted down using Blue Thunder. Also, apparently, Kanzas is flat. To save the American tax payers, can I point out that New Zealand isn't flat!

On the other side of the world, the UK is going to experiment with a new legal system where the victims get an apology from the criminal. When that was first trialed here there was a report of one criminal's apologies running along the lines of "give it up now, I know where you live and I gunna get youse." The author of the article is also a Pratchett fan.

Note that the previous item is mild and gentle compared to this RANT. Encore. More. More. I too worked in a shop for a while and I can remember the "customer from hell". More than one really, probably about one a week. Except at Christmas time when it was more like one a day or even one an hour. After Christmas you got the indignant parent instead - bringing back a broken toy. They would stand there straight faced and say "it was like this in the box" and you would look at a radio-controlled tank that had been in a cellophane fronted box (i.e. clearly visible before purchase) and there are now scratch marks all over, mud underneath it, tracks all torn, battery cover has gone missing (hence mud in the battery compartment), antannae bent at 45 degrees and for some unknown reason, bird feathers under the edge of the turret. The only correct response was "and what exactly was the problem sir (or madam)?"

Jay Solo admits that his name is not Jay Solo (and he isn't related to Hans). Sort of like my sister in law is a Potter and my son wants to know where Harry fits on the family tree. I need to put up an 'about me' section but it is hard to tell what to include and what to leave out. So, what do you want to see in an 'About Me' section? Or, who has an 'About Me' section that you like....

Posted by Ozguru at July 24, 2003 11:07 AM


Thanks for the link, Ozguru. :) I have to specify, though, that credit for coming up with the original sons goes to Steve over at Little Tiny Lies.

Posted by: Paul at July 24, 2003 11:07 AM