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July 24, 2003

Sleeping Parrot

Now Hear This! I have an official announcment concerning the ongoing nature of the possibility of the continuation of the availability of the shared blog - Sleeping Parrot. I mean Slumbering Pierrot ... I mean sort of official ... I mean it was in a comment somewhere ... on a blog ...

OK. I'll come clean. There was some heckling in the comments attached to this article and in reponse, the head honcho (big banana, chief character, top tomato, whatever your favourite acronym might be) said (and I quote):

The topics have remained unchanged because of the discussion last week where we discussed shooting Slumbering Pierrot in its proverbial head. We never decided what to do.
I have decided this. As the founder of Slumbering Pierror I have ultimate responsibility over it. Slumbering Pierrot is not going away.
Slumbering Pierrot needs a format change. Whether its getting rid of the political stuff or getting rid of the "wacky" stuff, I don't know.
I do like the fact that we have a global roster of contributors. I want to incorporate that into SP's new format.

(Hmmm. Hope we don't loose the wacky stuff, coz that is usually what I write.)

So in that light, I have posted an entry (direct link doesn't work because there is some mysterious delay between when I post it and when it may or may not appear) which follows on from last weeks theme of silly things people say. This week I tried to be more balanced in my approach. I bagged a Pom, a Yank and a local boy. If you like it add some comments (suggest alternatives). If you hate it, add some comments (politely).

Posted by Ozguru at July 24, 2003 04:07 PM


Hopefully, this links to the article. Flame away and defend your nation of choice (unless you couldn't care less about the choice between the lion, eagle and kangaroo).

Posted by: Ozguru at July 24, 2003 04:07 PM