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July 28, 2003

Staff Motivation II

Get all your staff together and give them a pep-talk. Point out that they need to be self-motivating and adapting to change (i.e. self changing motivators). Challenge them to make sure they are on the bus and not left behind at the station because this car is going to win the race (now was that a bus, train or car?). Suggest that the staff will be responsible for controlling their destinies (i.e. self-educating because there is no longer a training budget).

Then tell all the senior staff (including yours truly) that their bonuses from the last twelve months of work simply don't exist. Don't cancel future bonuses that have not yet been earned (no carrot), just cancel the ones you haven't got around to paying yet. If the staff complain, threaten to take it to the papers. Don't mention that the top echelons stuffed things up and screwed the budget, just hammer that middle management layer who simply are not motivated enough (well not any more!).

Posted by Ozguru at July 28, 2003 06:07 AM
