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July 28, 2003

High Heeled Shoes

Why bother? Platform shoes I can understand because they make you look (are feel) taller. High heels, unless worn properly make a lass look silly as she lurches around. In fact they can turn a gracefull girl into a tottering terror.
It didn't help that today's bus was already jerky but one passenger (wearing high heels of course) had a terrible time trying to put her ticket in the machine as the bus pulled out from the stop. As she stumbled first one way and then the other you could almost hear the oooh/aaar of the audience. When she survived that ordeal and headed for a seat, someone kindly pointed out that she had dropped something near the ticket machine. The crowd waited in anticipation, would she attempt to pick the object up or just ignore it? She went for the pickup just as the bus lurched around a corner (at the bottom of the hill at considerable speed). Only saved herself by grabbing two poles for support; certainly not the intended picture of elegance.

Besides, aren't they supposed to be bad for your feet?

Posted by Ozguru at July 28, 2003 09:07 AM


Heh heh...why didn't you go to her rescue you insensitive male? Anyway, I think Carlene of "Stilleto Philosophy" might have a more descriptive answer on this one...

Posted by: jivha at July 28, 2003 09:07 AM

Actually because I was (a) in a window seat (have to climb over someone to get out) and (b) I am married and the last thing I need is for someone to tell my wife I was holding a woman in high heels and shirt skirts! ;-)

Posted by: admin at July 28, 2003 09:07 AM