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August 01, 2003

Crumbling Foundation

Thanks to a reference at All AgitProp, I came across this story at One Hand Clapping (which also has other interesting stories like the question of female souls).

Back to the point. The article in question explains why the Quran (Koran?) is so important to Muslims (it is the literal word of God who apparently speaks Arabic). This in turn explains why a number of Muslims are getting upset about claims by a German scholar who suggests that it would initially have been written in Aramaic because Arabic was not a written language at the time of the prophet. The implication is hugh because it brings with it the whole concept of translation and comparitive versions. One of the keys of Muslim theology is that the Quran is exactly no more and no less what was dictated by God.

The main topical interest is the suggestion that the phrases relied on by terrorists about the awards in heaven may have mistaken food for houri. A reward of grapes and dates in the afterlife may be insufficient to encourage young male suicide bombers ....

Hmmm. I am not able to comment authoritatively on the matter but I have a friend who is an Aramaic scholar (and Catholic priest) and I will ask for a professional opinion ....

In the meantime, check out both links above and read some of the comments. Most of them (so far) are thoughtful like this one from "Lexington Green":

Watch this issue. It is monumental. It is going to lead to one of the biggest cultural earthquakes in world history. Let's hope we don't all get buried in the rubble.

Posted by Ozguru at August 1, 2003 01:08 AM


Fruitcake anyone? [Rant Warning: What follows is personal opinion and it make be considered offensive by some viewers. The management urge all readers to take a deep breath, count to 10 and find some another article if they feel themselves getting hot...

Posted by: Gday Mate - Archive at August 1, 2003 01:08 AM

[...] zguru @ 1:00 pm Yesterday I included a throwaway line in this post which linked to this much older post. Well it turns out that the original so [...]

Posted by: G'day Mate! » Juicy dried fruit revisited. at August 1, 2003 01:08 AM