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July 31, 2003

Pick Another Name

Paging Mr Mrs Pat Cox....
According to Spike in the SMH:

Jesus knits
Patches are one thing, the Last Supper of Christ is another. English woman Pat Cox has published her pattern for a 1.7-metre-long knitted scene from the Last Supper, the Church Times website reports. Influenced by the death of her husband in a cycling accident in 2001, Mrs Cox began knitting Bible figures, a hobby that eventually led to the creation of the whole Last Supper scene, which she gave to St Peter's Church in Worcester.

This will really confuse the kids who are still getting over the trauma of having an Uncle Pat and an Auntie Pat (not the same person) because their Uncle Pat, who lives in England is .... wait for it .... Mr Pat Cox.

I think we might have to abandon the shortform and start using the full name instead....

Posted by Ozguru at July 31, 2003 09:07 PM
