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July 31, 2003


Saw this quiz when I was looking for the Zil pictures yesterday and so I filled it in hoping to be somthing interesting (like Scotland) but this is what I got:

American Flag
United States Of America -
The most well-renounced country in modern day times.
The militaristic superpower, the United States of America
is also known as the bossiest nation.

Known Worldwide.
A Beacon to Others.
Fast Food.

Despised by Most Others.

Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by Ozguru at July 31, 2003 08:07 PM


Who decided that fast food was positive?

Posted by: ozguru at July 31, 2003 08:07 PM

How can you be both a beacon to others, as well as be despised by others at the same time? Interesting isn't it...

Posted by: Jivha at July 31, 2003 08:07 PM

Why do they keep putting Superpower and powerful in there???

Posted by: Peskie at July 31, 2003 08:07 PM

i must admit, we do tend to let the whole, "running the world" thing go to our heads.

Posted by: jaboobie at July 31, 2003 08:07 PM

J - I guess it is a despised beacon to the world. Sort of like Malcom Fraser's (former prime minister) fence. He owned a farm and it had it's own road sign so you could turn off the main road and relieve youself on his fence (it was electrified from memory so I guess he got the last laugh). It was a beacon that just called out ... P - I think it is like the New, Improved, Original, Better Than Ever, Brighter, Super, Washing Powder. The more adjectives they use, the more you pay. Double if they use the same adjective (like super) twice. That is why we (friend, ally and total kumquat) had to pay for the ammunition and bombs that the Americans asked us to fire at / drop on / launch towards the Iraqis. Here, sonny, borrow my slingshot. See if you can hit that guy over there. Wow. You can. That's so cool. Have another shot. OK. That will be $100 - $50 per shot.

Posted by: ozguru at July 31, 2003 08:07 PM

It wasn't just the two words together, what gets me is 'powerful' and 'USA' in the same sentence. I think it should be 'USA' and 'wannabe'...:grin

Posted by: Peskie at July 31, 2003 08:07 PM

PRW - I am just having this mental picture of a non-powerful superpower :-) Nope. JABOOBIE - I still think I would rather have the USA than say France as a superpower.

Posted by: ozguru at July 31, 2003 08:07 PM

Woohoo! And I answered honestly! http://images.quizilla.com/C/Cycophant/1034644905_resaustral.gif Australia - Founded as a gigantic prison colony, Australia hasturned into a Mid-Level world power. Known forits wildlife and culture. Positives: Reformed. Culturally Admired. Mid-Level Power. Renouned Flora and Fauna. Negatives: Founded by Criminals. Island Nation (Isolated). Talk Funny. Which Country of the World are You? brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by: Peskie at July 31, 2003 08:07 PM