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August 04, 2003


On the weekend, I stumbled (accidently) over a Heinlein blog. It was good to find that there are other people out there who felt that Star Ship Troopers was an abomination. Good movie or bad movie is not the complaint, the fact that the main thrust of the book was completely ignored is what matters. The theme in the book is about the balance between rights and responsibilities not about bonking your friend and fighting bugs. In fact the bonking is definitely not in the book, the bugs are but that is not the focus of the book.

Anyway, of far more importance is the story that The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is going to become a movie. This has to be my favourite Heinlein novel of all time (my copy is falling apart from re-reading).

[Ed: After posting this item, I discovered that Jeff had also found the same site. I know I wasn't browsing Jeff's site when I found the reference so maybe it is someone else we both read?]

Posted by Ozguru at August 4, 2003 08:08 AM


Fruitcake anyone? [Rant Warning: What follows is personal opinion and it make be considered offensive by some viewers. The management urge all readers to take a deep breath, count to 10 and find some another article if they feel themselves getting hot...

Posted by: Gday Mate - Archive at August 4, 2003 08:08 AM