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August 05, 2003

Free Trade

According to the BBC:

Singapore and Chile have become the first Asian and first South American nations to gain free trade relationships with the US.
The US Senate's backing for the two free-trade deals follows the approval of the bills in the House of Representatives last week.
Such agreements free trade in most goods and services, sets up a conflict resolution mechanism and provides for the protection of intellectual property.
Canada, Mexico, Jordan and Israel already have similar deals with the US.

[Sarcasm ON]
Obviously this action is to reward these nations for their loyalty and support during the Afghanistan and Iraqi conflicts. It was widely documented how the Chilean special forces were in on the ground in Afghanistan before the war seeking out special targets. Equally the courage and determination of the Singaporean Navy and Airforce during Iraqi cannot be questioned. Without any argument both countries put the lives of their young men (and women) on the line to support the US unlike those lily-livered nations like the UK and Australia who will see hell freeze over before they ever get within spitting distance of a free trade agreement.
[Sarcasm OFF]

Thanks Uncle Sam for rewarding our loyalty. We have been sweating for a free trade agreement ever since you introduced ILLEGAL tarriffs (under WTO guidelines) to prevent us from selling lamb to the USA. I guess all those kind words when we stuck by you in the UN were just so much hot air ....

Posted by Ozguru at August 5, 2003 12:08 AM
