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August 08, 2003

Quick Translation

International readers have been asking exactly what this entry in Column 8 means:

The Richmond-bound train had just pulled into Mulgrave when Val Roberts, of Kurmond, heard the PA: "We'll be delayed about four minutes while the train from Richmond crosses over. If you want a fag, hop out now."

Please relax, the word 'fag' in Australia refers to cigarette. The driver, guard or station assistant was letting people know that they could alight from the train for a smoko (it is illegal to smoke on trains). The invitation did not involve persons with alternate sexual preferences .... (that would be the English meaning of the word).

Posted by Ozguru at August 8, 2003 01:08 PM


Hey we use the word "fag" to mean cigarrette in India too :-) And "buck" to mean one unit of currency(in our case, a rupee) P.S. I wouldn't be asking someone for a smoke in a gay-bar anytime soon though ;-)

Posted by: Jivha at August 8, 2003 01:08 PM

Well, I remember once I was going to this friend's place and he'd asked me to get him some cigarettes. A gay friend of mine offered to drop me. Only when I got there did I realize that I'd forgotten about the smokes. So I was like "Shit! I forgot to get Srini the fags", to which my friend replied, "Don't worry, I'm here".

Posted by: Kingsley at August 8, 2003 01:08 PM

We have 'buck', but its One Dollar, not cents. 'Got a coupla bucks mate' is used often, and it dosn't mean deer...

Posted by: Peskie at August 8, 2003 01:08 PM

Fag is cigarette in UK English too. I think it's just the Americans who use it exclusively for the other meaning.

Posted by: Kirsty at August 8, 2003 01:08 PM

Hi Kirsty, That is an interesting observation. I wonder if that is a recent change or a long term one. Old "Boys Own" stories would often use the word "fag" in conjunction with the duties of a junior boy to a senior in a bording school (no sexual connotation as far as I know). The phrase would be "he's my fag" or "he's fagging for so and so". I had the impression that the use of it for a gay male stemed from the extension of such a relationship into manhood and oustide the confines of the school. Obviously I need to do some more readign and check this. Thanks for the pointer....

Posted by: ozguru at August 8, 2003 01:08 PM

Actually if sex on a train was involved then would the individuals automatically be metro-sexuals?

Posted by: Ozguru at August 8, 2003 01:08 PM