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August 08, 2003

Blog Rules

Oy! There's a few rules when you participate in a blog and in general, they will be true for all blogs.

First: Be considerate. It's OK to be funny but it's not OK to be offensive. You can poke fun at me, my articles, guest articles, other comments. If you can do so in a clever way, then all the better.

Second: If you know things about the author outside of the blog, keep it to yourself. Some of you may know the author in a professional capacity or through email correspondance. It is not appropriate to post such details in comments.

I am sorry to have to raise these matters but sometimes I may post something as a way of letting of steam (e.g. The Staff Motivation entries). That is fine as long as it is relatively anonymous. If you go posting my employers name in a comment, that could be a dismissable offence because instead of a generic winge about employers in general it would be interpreted as a complaint about that particular employer.

OK. Here's what happens. First time you are rude/offensive/inappropriate/etc then I edit or delete your comment. Second time I block your IP address. Sorry but I came close to loosing my job today because of a comment so I need to impose a little order on things.

To make up for this serious entry, there is a second joke for the day over on the humour blog :-)

Posted by Ozguru at August 8, 2003 05:08 PM


Pray tell me, Sir, which blog shall I link to? :-)

Posted by: Alexei at August 8, 2003 05:08 PM