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August 13, 2003

Raksha Bandhan II

This is a followup to an earlier article. Based on the helpful comments from a couple of Indian friends (thanks Anvita and Jivha) I decided to do some more research. Firstly I found a better picture which seems to be more representative of the festival (sorry about the poor quality):


The most detailed explanation I can find is from this site. It includes the history and also specific details of how the festival is celebrated. The translation of the festival name is given as "Bond of Protection" which fits nicely.

Other sources of information include these sites: a simple introduction, a news article, a cultural site and an entry on MSN India.

What I can't get over is just how much I can learn from other people. My mother was a teacher (geography, history) and she used to always try to use direct sources when teaching history. She used veterans to talk about the war and people who had seen events first hand. Well this whole exercise for me has been like that - I am learning about this from people who are directly involved in the event. That is much more interesting (and memorable) than just be reading about something in a text book.

Posted by Ozguru at August 13, 2003 10:08 PM


I don't have a digital camera Ozg, else I would have mailed you a snap of my left hand as it is currently :-) Oh well, next year maybe...

Posted by: Jivha at August 13, 2003 10:08 PM