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August 15, 2003

Friday Five


1. How much time do you spend online each day?
Average about two hours a day. Some work related, some for fun and the rest is blogging (and blog reading). I can keep the number this low by doing most of my writing off-line.

2. What is your browser homepage set to?
I use four browsers. Safari and Camino are set to my main blog page (probably where you are reading this). I prefer Safari but occasionally Camino can load things that Safari cannot (like ftp and gopher pages).
OmniWeb is set to Google (the default, blank page for the browser). I have to use OmniWeb to make https tunnel connections through the work proxy server.
IE (shame) is set to the company intranet page because it tests for IE and I don't want to change the settings on the other browsers because that might make web designers only use IE.

3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
Yes. Couldn't get by without them. One is the only true IM - it is called a telephone, the other is sometimes a delayed messenger - it is called email. To date, I have not found anything that these two cannot deal with. I am toying with iChat AV because it would be cheaper than phoning friends in USA, UK and India.

4. Where was your first webpage located?
I don't remember. Probably at UNSW. My first email address (that I can remember) was something like munnari!usyd!unsw!elec70b!u0 (well the 0 was actually my student number - which had more digits). If you don't recognize that it is a very old style UUCP address. Soon after that I was gremlin AT runx.org.au (no longer a valid email address) and the web still didn't really exist (although the internet did).

5. How long have you had your current website?
This is a question that is both easy and hard. Easy answer is since the start of the 2nd TypePad Beta (July 2003). The hard answer is based on that old zen question about not being able to step in the same river twice. If we accept the continuity of that river, then this web site is merely a time transition away from the previous one and the whole blog thing for me started publicly on the 1st of February 2003.

This week I was trying very hard to be on-time with the Friday posting but it did not appear on the Friday Five website until about 2pm Friday (AEST).

Posted by Ozguru at August 15, 2003 05:08 PM
