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August 16, 2003

End of the week

It is almost 11:30 (will be midnight by the time this article is done) on Friday night and I have a feeling of accomplishment (at last). It has been a terrible week overall. At work some 30+ friends and/or colleagues finished up today (half of the contracting staff). The remainder will be out by Christmas. This will have a hugh impact on operation support because the entire IT operation was only a couple of hundred people to start with. That made things pretty tense and there are ongoing disputes about pay and bonuses combined with appraisals ... AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! That makes me feel better.

Anyway the achievement is that I got my Friday5 posted, not only on Friday but by 5pm as well! I also have finished the weekly blog roundup (to be published on Sunday at midday - isn't pre-publishing wonderful). To top it off, I managed to get some articles together for a shared blog run by Pete who is already famous for Random Riddled Ramblings. Much more productive in one evening than a whole week at work.

As part of doing the Blog Roundup, I followed a link chain and ended up on some site with a quiz that I had not seen before. Being a quiz sucker, I just had to try it out. I know that there is a quiz preset for Sunday but here goes a bonus one:

You are a Playboy.

What kind of Sixties Person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Huh? I picked conservative options (except for Sean Connery) and ended up with this result? Then I looked at the other results and figured I didn't do too badly after all.

Have a good weekend all, posting may be a little light due to other commitments over the weekend but we'll see - maybe I can remain productive all weekend.....

Posted by Ozguru at August 16, 2003 12:08 AM


Do you have the "India Syndrome" in Australia wherein entire IT departments are laid off and all work transferred to sweat shops in India ?

Posted by: scope at August 16, 2003 12:08 AM

Yes we do. Not sure that this comment landed on the correct article but Ozguru was planning to make some rude comments about this later....

Posted by: ozguru's better half at August 16, 2003 12:08 AM

Pete (aka Random Riddled Ramblings) is now at Aussie Courier and SWEN died an untimely death. If I manage to resurrect the entries, I will post them here in the humour category (unless Aussie Courier wants to do that).

Posted by: Ozguru at August 16, 2003 12:08 AM