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August 21, 2003

Waltzing Answers

While ozguru is still suffering, here are the three possible answers:

1. "Andy" - because the words of the song include the phrase "Andy watched, Andy waited, as the billy boiled."

2. "Juan" - because the song starts with "Juan's a jolly swagman ...". One of the references mentions that Juan comes from a famous family because his cousin José gets a mention in the US Anthem (José Canyusee).

3. "Hans" - again from "Hans' a jolly swagman ..." but a more likely contender given the inspiration that Banjo gained from a recent shearers dispute which resulted in the death of a swagman/shearer named "Frenchy" Hoffmeister.

So take your pick (or propose an additional one). Ozguru should be back on deck with restricted duties from tomorrow...

Posted by Ozguru at August 21, 2003 08:08 PM


Frooty Friday Here we are. OK. I'll start again mmmmmkay? Here I am. Why? I am here. So what if they read it there...FINE! Here I am (while there you are). Waddya mean. There can mean anywhere. Not here! No! They are...

Posted by: Random Riddled Ramblings at August 21, 2003 08:08 PM