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August 22, 2003

The Nut Man

Now, listen carefully. There is a man (or at least a man's head) hidden in this picture. You should be able to find it in 15 seconds (took me about 15 minutes):


Posted by Ozguru at August 22, 2003 07:08 AM


Because the image loaded slowely, it was quick to find

Posted by: Peskie at August 22, 2003 07:08 AM

Frooty Friday Here we are. OK. I'll start again mmmmmkay? Here I am. Why? I am here. So what if they read it there...FINE! Here I am (while there you are). Waddya mean. There can mean anywhere. Not here! No! They are...

Posted by: Random Riddled Ramblings at August 22, 2003 07:08 AM

You sound just like my boyfriend!

Posted by: Da Goddess at August 22, 2003 07:08 AM

Frooty Friday Here we are. OK. I'll start again mmmmmkay? Here I am. Why? I am here. So what if they read it there...FINE! Here I am (while there you are). Waddya mean. There can mean anywhere. Not here! No! They are...

Posted by: Random Riddled Ramblings at August 22, 2003 07:08 AM

Rounding up the Usual Suspects This was something I’ve been dreading ever since my blogroll started resembling a self-replicating, recombinant supervirus that seems hell-bent upon world domination. But Ozg’s praiseworthy effort in getting a roundup done even when he̵...

Posted by: Jivha - the Tongue at August 22, 2003 07:08 AM

Designer Bugs Well, you asked for it! Akshley (as my daughter would say), you failed to stop it! You had the chance to end the Microslash articles and I got a whole 1 comment and a two trackbacks from members (1 and 2) of the blog strategy committee. Now that articl...

Posted by: GDay Mate at August 22, 2003 07:08 AM