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August 26, 2003

Music Piracy

This is one of the most beautifully written bits of satire I have come across this year:

Dear EMI,
Happy Birthday to me! I've got an early birthday present from my auntie - it's Radiohead's lovely new album, Hail To The Thief. It's "protected" by the fabulous Copy Control technology, which caused my computer to skip, hang and eventually require a restart when I tried to play it. Oh dear.

After an enthusiastic few days of swearing at inanimate objects and searching the Web, I got the audio session to mount after all ... I even managed to get all but one of the full-quality AIFF tracks to copy over to my hard drive, meaning that I'll now be able to hear the uncompressed tracks as they were meant to be heard ... Please send my regards to your incompetent engineers who don't bother testing their creations; it made for an amusing epilogue to this little adventure.

Anyway, it was an amusing couple of days worth of fun and games, so thanks a bundle. I'm sure those scurrilous rumours that you ignore customer complaints won't damage your reputation as a company that really cares about providing the best musical experience to its customers. I'll be sure to keep EMI in mind next time I'm in the mood to bend over, grease up, and experience a session of twenty-first century style audio entertainment.

Must dash - gotta go restart my machine (again) so that it'll actually mount CDs again, and then I'm going to jump onto Gnutella and grab that extra track, for which I am not feeling even the most teeny smidgen of guilt.

Way to go EMI - can the RIAA sue EMI for encouraging piracy? Pop over to Synapse and read the whole article.

Posted by Ozguru at August 26, 2003 07:08 AM


Aw, thanks. :D

Posted by: Raena at August 26, 2003 07:08 AM