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August 26, 2003

A Near Miss (Update)

Thanks to a kind manager I was able to work from home yesterday (Monday) so that I could be there to deal with the mess. I got some work done (but not enough) in between visits from various people (skylight replacement, handymen, etc). I also spent some three hours picking up glass/perspex/aluminium/broken tiles and helping the handyman rip the remaining sheets of the roof of the carport (maybe I can photograph the frame later). He also sealed up the holes with plastic. I could do one skylight (the one on the corrugated iron roof) but the other was on the tiled part of the roof and it would not bear my weight. We also had to tear down broken guttering and clean up other debris. This is going to force our hands and make us start the renovating process - we had been hoping to sell up and move but that requires the cooperation of our neighbour (who may have been the father of the BOFH - except that he does it to real estate salesmen instead of computer salesmen).

Blogging may be light until I have made up for lost worktime. At least the roof is covered again...

[Update: New skylights have been fitted and riveted to the frames - why they were only latched before is completely beyond me!]

Posted by Ozguru at August 26, 2003 11:08 AM
