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August 29, 2003

Name these animals!

Here are two Australian animals (photos taken at Featherdale), what are they? (Hint: the second one is rarely seen in this condition)


Posted by Ozguru at August 29, 2003 07:08 AM


I can't make out the first one properly, so I'll just guess randomly that it's some sort of bat. The second is a Tasmanian Devil, I think...

Posted by: Paul Jané at August 29, 2003 07:08 AM

Is that first one a flying fox? The second is frequently seen in that condition, except without the breathing bit. Poor little buggers get clobbered on the roads.

Posted by: Raena at August 29, 2003 07:08 AM

Forgot that I had a Tasmanian reader ;-). The first one is indeed a flying fox (unless I got my photos in the wrong order in which case it is a fruit bat). Seriously the picture is rotated on the side but the reddish brown fur (hard to see because of the wings) is the giveaway. The second is a Tasmanian devil and it is the first time (after many trips) that I have seen one asleep. Usually they hide when sleeping and in the open they are running around like lunatics. I had not thought about the 'side of the road'. In it's maniac state, you can see where the idea for Taz (the cartoon Tassie Devil that looks like a whirlwind) comes from. Note: This is not the same as a Tasmanian Tiger (which is believed to be extinct).

Posted by: ozguru at August 29, 2003 07:08 AM

Tour de Blog - Stage II Let's pick up where we left off, shall we? - Susanna has an excellent book review and news of the

Posted by: Paul Jané at August 29, 2003 07:08 AM