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September 02, 2003

Magic 8 Ball

The internet is full of the most absolutely amazing crap. Some people just have too much time on their hands. This article is a prime example BUT it fulfills that inner need to know how things really work.

Have you ever owned a Magic 8 Ball? Asked it questions and been disturbed by how often it answered correctly? Wondered just what it was that went on inside? Well, for those of you too timid (or is it intelligent?) to have ever looked for answers to these questions, this is where to find them. ... There are 20 possible answers that the Magic Eight Ball can give. Of these, nine are full positive, two are full negative, one is mostly positive, three are mostly negative, and five are abstentions. ... WARNING! - Your Magic Eight ball cannot be reassembled after this procedure is completed. Do not whine or complain in general if your Magic Eight Ball is no longer functional after following these directions. Also, power tools can be dangerous, follow appropriate safety procedures and always wear safety glasses. We are not responsible for personal injury or property damage resulting from following these directions. ... WARNING! - The magic blue fluid in the cylinder is of unknown origin and makeup. It will definitely dye skin, fabric, plastic, and probably even porcelin. You will definately not want to get this stuff on you, it took a week to wear off my hands. Again, we are in no way responsible for destruction of property resulting from following these procedures. ... You have now completely dismantled the Magic Eight ball. Why, I'm not sure, but there's nothing you can do about it now. Should you ever feel the need to do something like this again, I suggest you seek therapy from a professional.

Go read the full article for the rest of this amazing saga (and watch out for the evil blue liquid).

Posted by Ozguru at September 2, 2003 07:09 AM
