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September 02, 2003

Where are you?

Or rather, where am I?


I am afraid that the quality and number of posts this week will be inversly proportional to the quality of the speakers :-) The better they are, the less chance I'll get to post! Yesterday was a humdinger about NIS migration to OpenLDAP - but I figure youse (Australia for "all of you") couldn't care less so I won't bore you about it...

Conference is at Milsons Point (at one wnd of the harbour bridge) and the view should be spectacular (I have a photo from the train station to show you later). Tonight is an Apple-sponsored p*ss-up cocktail evening and it will be wall to wall geeks (free beer tends to do that) so I am going to wear my MacGeek t-shirt and see what happens (best dressed prize?) ...

Posted by Ozguru at September 2, 2003 11:09 PM


The coolest thing about an AUUG conference is that everyone is discussion the best operating system: *BSD, MacOS X (which is still BSD) or Linux. Everyone present knows that Microslosh doesn't cut the mustard and we all laugh at the Microslosh war stories :-) The saddest thing is that it is the same geeks that have been around for 20 years and we are all getting old and grey. Most are now married with kids and the spirit of rebellion only appears in the long hair or lack of a tie. Where are the young enthusiastic freedom fighters? Maybe today's lunchtime fight between some dork from SCO (that's not fair, he works for SCO and SCO are the dorks) and the president of AUUG. They will be slugging out the ownership of Unix (I vote for Apple - number 1 unix supplier is Australia).

Posted by: Ozguru at September 2, 2003 11:09 PM