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September 08, 2003

I'm back!

I am back at work :-( and catching up. I noticed that the Humour Blog seems to have fallen over with no posting since the 2nd. While I look into fixing it, you might like to pop over here. While I might not agree with all the sentiments, it was still funny - make sure you read the comments as well. I like this one:

Unfortunately, my hands are tied as our esteemed colleagues from the Land of Cheese a Plenty and the Reich have stated in no uncertain terms that, since they no longer have the affluence and/or economic ties with the "real" government of the aforementioned Sand Hole, they have no interest in it anymore.

Posted by Ozguru at September 8, 2003 07:09 AM


The humour blog is no more....

Posted by: Ozguru at September 8, 2003 07:09 AM