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September 08, 2003


In the absence of a Blog Roundup for two weeks I have all these little bits and pieces collected and I need to clear out the list. One of the blogs that has recently caught more of my reading time is Teacherish (or should that be Waiterish?). The byline on the blog tells it all:

Well, I don't know if there is another chicken raising, gun owning, left-leaning hacker with a freezer full of deermeat out there, but if there is, I am pretty sure that he doesn't have a blog.

One recent sample would have to be this entry:

Gates to Windows Users: "It's your fault."
Look, it's not our fault that you got hosed. Don't you have a sys admin living in your closet to keep all of your computers up to date?
Why are people still using Windows? (That's a rhetorical questions- Why are people still using heroin? They don't know how to stop....)
Email me, Windows users- we'll find a way to get you off the junk. The first step is admitting that you're powerless over the OS, and that your computer has become unmanageable.

Why not pop over and have a read - well worth your effort!

Posted by Ozguru at September 8, 2003 12:09 PM
