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September 08, 2003


Over at G'day Cobbers, Alan has story about Telstra:

Why am I smiling?
Telstra, Australia's largest technology company, has nailed its colours firmly to the mast of open source software, creating a potential nightmare for Microsoft and sending shivers through a range of traditional platform providers.
Under Project Firefly, Telstra switched on a desktop trial in March using two flavours of Linux and a Citrix-based Windows system, aimed at shifting up to 85 per cent of its computing desktops to thin-client technology.
Telstra chief information officer Jeff Smith said he was determined to end a history of internal duplication and technology incompatibility by deploying open-source software right across the telecoms giant, which spends $1.5 billion each year on information technology. He aims to slice this cost in half within three years.

Now if only they can speed up my ADSL account.

Regular readers will remember that this blog exists on typepad primarily because of the shocking performance of my ISP (Telstra). The good news is that I have given up on them and will be shifting my home account to a new ISP. Expect faster links (some of the graphics for this blog is still stored there) and a better backup arrangement :-)

Posted by Ozguru at September 8, 2003 02:09 PM
