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October 01, 2003

Water, Water Everwhere!

Just a couple of hot days and then the cold weather returns. All the moths had appeared and suddenly died when the cold snap returned! Literally carpeting the floors at work after the weekend - thousands of them. Mind you, cold is only relative and not absolute. Also it is still dry, we seen to have missed out or most of the rain this year and water restrictions start today.
Now I have a technical question about the water restrictions that you might be able to help with. Basically it is now illegal to use any form of sprinkler system but a hand held hose is allowed. This will lead to an increase in beer consumption as all the blokes stand in the garden knocking back a few tinnies while holding a hose. OK. Here is the question, how many beers will it take to turn the average bloke into a sprinkler system? Obviously if he passes out and is found lying on his back, hose in the air, then there is little functional difference to a normal sprinkler but at what point does the transition occur? How much money will be spent training the water cops to detect the difference?
Maybe I am just old and cynical but I think this whole scheme is yet another part of the State government's attempts to convert the utilities to revenue raising arms so that it can continue to pretend that it is fiscally responsible.

Of course now that the water restrictions are in place - it is pouring!

Posted by Ozguru at October 1, 2003 07:10 PM


Mike reckons a drip system (allowed) is just like a sprinkler upside down and turned down low - whadya reckon? Worth a go to see if I can get busted by the water cops?

Posted by: ozguru at October 1, 2003 07:10 PM