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October 01, 2003

Strange Newton

As the regular readers would know, I am a Newton user and in fact about half the posts to this blog are written on a Newton and then emailed or posted directly to the blog. Despite having been given the axe some time ago by Apple, there is still a strong and active Newton community, much of which revolves around the NewtonTalk mailing list. Today the digest contained a pointer to a very different Newton, part of the vertical integration market that could (had it happened faster) have saved the Newton or at least led to a spinoff of Newton Inc. This Newton was custom designed for the French medical system of the day and a complete set of pictures and specifications can be found here on a blog that is also written on a Newton :-) If you like old (but functional) technology, have a squiz at this engineering marvel.....

Posted by Ozguru at October 1, 2003 11:10 PM
