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October 02, 2003

Midweek Mystery

Given that Australia is less than 250 years young (dating from European settlement), where the heck would you find a full scale Gothic cathederal:


Posted by Ozguru at October 2, 2003 07:10 AM


I'll have a punt on St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne, but only because I remember studying Pugin at college.

Posted by: Raena at October 2, 2003 07:10 AM

Very good guess but not right this time. This particular church was started before St. Patrick's but finished later (2001 I think).

Posted by: ozguru at October 2, 2003 07:10 AM

Ooh, is it that one in Sydney that got restored?

Posted by: Raena at October 2, 2003 07:10 AM

I am 6 and a bit years old but I think it is St. Mary's cathederal in Sydney and it has a cool crypt which I saw last time.

Posted by: Brian at October 2, 2003 07:10 AM

I knew it was St Mary's the moment I saw it, I'm proud that brian picked it better than the others. very well done hope he didn't get any help.

Posted by: hjs at October 2, 2003 07:10 AM

No, Brian didn't get any help and he typed the comment himself (with spell correcting provided by me) and yes: Raena, Brian and HJS all picked the right answer - St. Mary's (Catholic) cathederal in Sydney which has recently been restored and had the pointy bits installed on the towers. These were in the original plans but never completed. You can find more about the cathedral here. BTW, just to add context to an earlier post, Cardinal-elect George Pell is the archbishop based at this cathederal.

Posted by: ozguru at October 2, 2003 07:10 AM