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October 03, 2003


A little while ago on the NewtonTalk mailing list there was a post which captured the whole idea of technolust beautifully. Let's all be honest here, we are all geeks (and geekesses?) or we wouldn't be using this type of technology.
[Aside: Blogging is popular but it hasn't reach the stage where the average Joe on the streets is going to be trading his/her blog addresses yet. It certainly hasn't reached the point where my mother would have one.]
As geeks we all have to some degree that fascination with technology. For some it may be cars, others computer hardware. In this case, Jim Siburt of 'New Media Design' is talking about a peice of hardware that is obsolete (he has given permission to post these comments):

Well I am an obsessive link follower. I look at email addresses and signatures and follow those links to find some page of interest that I might have missed in my never ending browsing. Most often it leads to someone's place of business or their ISP. But sometimes I receive a rare treat and discover a great blog and links to places I have never visited.
Today I visited Grant Hutchinson's blog and was amused and entertained. But it was the Newt server and seeing the screen that sent chills down my spine and invoked Newton envy. I realize now that what I really want is a 2100 but I have grown to love my little eMate in these very short weeks of romance. The times I have spent lovingly stroking her almost full sized keyboard and felt the firm yet responsiveness of her perfectly proportioned keys have been exhilarating. Yes, she, not an it. Some of you may object but with the soft curves and smooth texture how could I not envision her feminine qualities.
But I digress. I saw the raw power of the 2100, the richness of the icons, and yes the dock stretching down the left side of the screen and knew I must have one! So I wait and wonder how to accomplish this without crushing the heart of my little green eMate.
She's not that little but don't tell her I said that. I kind of like her voluptuousness.

Wonder what he is talking about? You can find a picture and some details here but the picture does not do it justice. The emate was intended as a school machine and it was extremely robust. I can remember the Apple Rep throwing one in the air and allowing to crash onto the floor, he then picked it up opened the screen and starting writing on it. BTW the general perception of the writing recognition was poor(*) at the time but as this article notes, it was still streets ahead of what Palm and PocketPC offer today.

Emates are still around today (my son uses one) and quite popular. The look and feel is sort of iBook but smaller and for primary school kids more usable. If anyone is curious, I would be happy to post pictures.

*Obligatory Diskworld note: Commander Vimes has "pocket disorganiser" which claims to recognise writing. He scribbles something on a bit of paper and shows it to the imp who says "Yup. That's writing."

Posted by Ozguru at October 3, 2003 08:10 AM


It is particularly interesting that Jim picked the eMate as a "she". My powerbooks are all "he" (Charlie, Fred) as are my Newtons but my wife's server is definitely a "she" and I think an eMate would be as well - not sure why.... I think it also says something about Apple's designs that they can inspire technolust as opposed to say Dell boxes which (in the imortal words of AtAT) have been hit with the "ugly stick". In some cases walloped might be more appropriate than hit.

Posted by: ozguru at October 3, 2003 08:10 AM

Someone sent me a link to this Dilbert cartoon about another Apple computer that inspired technolust - the Apple Lisa!

Posted by: ozguru at October 3, 2003 08:10 AM

Show us the pics already! You're such a bloody tease.

Posted by: Kingsley at October 3, 2003 08:10 AM

cool, I want something like that. mobile blogging. that's my next project.

Posted by: jaboobie at October 3, 2003 08:10 AM