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October 04, 2003

Motivational Management I

[Please, no speculation about where I work in the comments!]

Remember the series on motivational management, well it is back with a vengence. We will start with the easy one first. Way back (a couple of months ago) half the agency hire staff were slashed (DCM - Don't Come Monday). This was across the board - operational, project and planning. Note that all projects are on hold so the cuts to planning and project were less likely to have an impact that cuts to operations where the staff are maintaining existing systems which continue to need maintenance. Everything has sort of settled down, everyone is working harder but there is some type of status quo.

Where is the motivational part? Everyone is screaming for more staff (32 lost out of 200 is a fairly big hit) so management re-hired in the planning/architecture section. This is despite the fact that there is no work for that section and that operations were the ones most affected. Just got to love the PHB (Pointy Haired Boss) in action - I wonder if Scott Adams has an insider here?

Posted by Ozguru at October 4, 2003 07:10 AM
