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October 05, 2003

Motivational Management II

The MD (Mismanaging Director) announces a big Youth Summit / Youth Forum type thing. The question is "why don't young people want to work for this organisation". I could save him a lot of trouble by just asking the first graduate who works here:
Me: Excuse me WEBY (Work Experience Boy), why don't more of your classmates work here?
WEBY: The pay sucks.
There, problem solved. You want more young people offer them more money. Apparently this is not the required answer because they are still going to have the youth thing (anyone under 30 is a youth) to find out some alternate answers (motivation?).
Next the MD organises a "chat to staff" for all the divisions. For us, there appear to be some total strangers in the meeting - turns out they are to ask the "Dorethy Dixers" (pre-arranged questions). Nevertheless, a few real questions get asked like:
Staff: "What is going to happen to the graduate program?"
MD: "What graduate program? Oh that one, probably going to discontinue it."

Hey is there some staff award for coming up with money saving ideas? Here is my idea. Cancel the Youth Forum thingy. Explain to the MD that most of the "youth" come through the graduate program and they want more money. Problem solved, money saved. What is my reward? A pink slip?

Posted by Ozguru at October 5, 2003 07:10 AM


BTW - "Pink Slip" is another euphamism for a "DCM" - i.e. it is the notice that you have been fired. The slips are no longer pink but that is beside the point.

Posted by: ozguru at October 5, 2003 07:10 AM