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October 15, 2003

Midweek Mystery

Here we go again. Big clue, this is a religious building of some kind in Sydney. What is it called?

Another clue: A former employer had me working here to build some PC's (running SCO and Interactive Unix).

Posted by Ozguru at October 15, 2003 11:10 AM


OK, I give in, I know I have seen this church, I have even walked past it at some stage or driven by in a bus or car. I thought it might be St Jame's in Broadway, but then it might be closer to Central Station. I know its not CCSL! But then, I am only an occassional visitor .....

Posted by: pgc at October 15, 2003 11:10 AM

it's a synagog in Elizabeth street but I can't remember the name of it it has an enbtance in Elizabeth street & Pitt street, I remembered it due to the border at the bottom of the page belonging to Hyde park. woking in the city for a while you pick these things up.

Posted by: hjs` at October 15, 2003 11:10 AM

First prize to hjs for guessing. It is "The Great Synagogue" on Elizabeth Street. I was not aware of the back entrance. It was wierd working there because some dude had to stand behind us and watch everything we did - not sure why. The building actually looks quite grand from the street but the angle was hard to get because of garden beds and trees and so on. Not being a profesional on synagogues, I have no idea how normal the architecture is but the rose windows are quite splendid. Tours of the facility are held but it has been a while since I saw a flyer on it (it used to be mid-week). As for pgc, it was a good guess but St. James is closer to St, Marys. It also has a neat window and a similar style. I may wander up there and take a photo of it. For the geographically inclined, St. Mary's is on the Nth East corner of Hyde Park, St. James (Anglican) is due Nth and The Great Synagogue is on the Western side (about opposite the Australian museum).

Posted by: ozguru at October 15, 2003 11:10 AM

Riiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhhht! Close, at least I was in the right area! And Christianity in all its guises is only a Jewish Sect after all. According to some anyway. It was the apparent spire that fooled me, but now I see it has the Star of David on the peak of the Gable. Silly me, should have done a bit more observational study first.

Posted by: pgc at October 15, 2003 11:10 AM