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October 15, 2003

Technolust II

A couple of weeks ago, I published an article about some comments made by a dedicated Newton user. Some of the comments were about seeing the real thing :-) Well I still haven't photographed the eMate but I can show you the screen (that is a live link) from one of my Newton 2100's. This machine with about 4 Mb (yes that is four megabytes) of flash memory is running a webserver and can even run Java (via WABI). The server has server side includes (to handle things like the date and time and the list of notes).

Because the backlight was on when the picture was taken, it comes out green. In actual fact I have replaced the green backlight with a white one but the GIF server is unaware of the change.

Posted by Ozguru at October 15, 2003 01:10 PM


Apparently it is a very shy Newton,as soon as it appeared here and then went and hid itself. Of course I had turned the auto-restart feature off while I was trying to get the network link going so the NDPS is now done. The Newt itself is still up (and I can ping it by logging into one of the Macs using ssh) but no more web pages until I get home.

Posted by: ozguru at October 15, 2003 01:10 PM

Actually, I've not been able to access the webserver at all, ever since you mentioned it. Now that you've put up a screenie, I guess I'll beleive you. Tell me when you get it running willya?

Posted by: Kingsley at October 15, 2003 01:10 PM