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October 23, 2003

Ma Hard Hair

I have been trying for a couple of days to inject some passion into a rant about Ma-Hard-Hair (also known as Mr Pathetic) who is retiring (again). Based on the last two events he will attempt to shock the world, cry on television and then be persuaded by his supporters to un-retire again.
The problem was that I just could not inspire enough passion when his statements (random puffs of hot air?) were just so ridiculous that no one could believe them except maybe for some insane fundamentalists.
[Aside: Paul Jané has a lovely definition of a "moderate" Muslim:

To answer Andrew's question in the comments to this post, the difference between a "moderate" Muslim and the less moderate variety lies in the fact that the so-called "moderate" feels that he's entitled to bitch at you, but he's enough of a realist to see that blowing himself to bits really isn't much of a solution to any problem.
Alternately, they could just be Muslims lacking ready access to explosives, I don't know.

Not sure which ones would believe My-Hard-Hair though....]

Anyway, instead of hanging around here and waiting for be to gather enough bile to be rude, check out Paul's version of the same story which is better written than my draft (including more polished language and less spelling mistakes).

Posted by Ozguru at October 23, 2003 08:10 AM


Whoohoo! Thanks for the linkage, Ozg. :-)

Posted by: Paul Jané at October 23, 2003 08:10 AM

Thanks are more due to you Paul for the info-tainment.

Posted by: ozguru at October 23, 2003 08:10 AM