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October 27, 2003

Old Fashioned SPAM

Third SPAM post in one day... this one is old fashioned SPAM. It arrived in the physical mailbox outside the front door. It has my name and my street address. This is mondo-wierd because I only ever use the street address for parcel delivery when I order from companies in the US (because they refuse to deliver to my PO Box). I never get mail here. I never provide the address to banks, credit card companies, whatever. This SPAM is advertising Virgin credit cards (presumably linked to Virgin Mobile/Airlines/Records/whatever).

Hmmm. Do I want to strain through the effort of working out how they got that name/address combination? Obviously the credit union would have it (due to the mortgage) but they promise faithfully never to share it except with the credit reference people. On the whole, I would trust the credit union but what about the credit reference people?

Problem solved. om (of om_blog) got it as well and he/she checked it out. It was the credit reference people. Oh well, I guess that means I have a good credit rating or Virgin wouldn't have bothered spaming me.

Posted by Ozguru at October 27, 2003 11:10 PM
