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October 28, 2003


Sometimes an individual can cause you to rethink a lifelong belief. I have always believed that lawyers are really just SSBF in suits. I had the chance to do law at university and decided against it because of my opinion of lawyers and in all the time since, nothing has really changed my mind. I have met a few "nice" lawyers (one was even a QC) but they were lawyers first and foremost. The see things only from a legal perspective. [Now it is OK for me to only see things from a geek perspective but it is not OK for them to have a similar bias :-)]

Well, I have finally found a lawyer who appears to think. More importantly he thinks as a non-lawyer. Sure he complains about geeks and computers but he appears to be human first and lawyer second (or maybe third after 'cook'). Check out this post and study the comments as well. Steve (sorry, I should say "the Teaspoon of Whipped Cream in Jennifer Eccleston's Navel") is commenting on the whole terrorist thing in Iraq at the moment and he has managed to put his finger on something that has been bugging me. In the back of my mind something was jumping up and down and saying "Oy". I had skimmed an article this morning about the car bombing in Iraq and just kept going. Then I spotted Steve's article and "TING!" the lightbulb turned on (ala Daffy Duck). What exactly does blowing up Iraqi citizens achieve (from the perspective of the terrorists). At least the idiots in Palestine try to blow up in Israel, these idiots are killing the people they need for support.

In the comment section, there are two different authors who each try to define a moderate Muslim:

Paul Jané says:
I wrote a few days ago that I think that the main difference between a "moderate" Muslim and a less moderate one lies in the lack of ready access to explosives. I stand by that.
A "moderate" Muslim, simply, is one who is willing to kill you and your family and put your wife, sisters and daughters in burkas... later.

I assume Dr. Ma-Hard-Hair is a moderate Muslim?

Posted by Ozguru at October 28, 2003 07:10 AM


Am visiting after ages, but this is indeed sad. I have been reading a lot of muslim blogs of late and I really think those definitions are unwarranted and smack of American intolerance. Compare it to what Bush has done, AND is still supported by a majority of Americans, I think I need to come up with alternate definitions of 'moderate' Americans. I by no means support killing and butchery in the name of religion, but its high time we stopped pointing fingers at all muslims. I'd really like to know how many Muslims Paul and Aaron know in real life.

Posted by: Melodrama at October 28, 2003 07:10 AM

Hmm. Good point Melodrama. I think the reaction is really based on a small selection but the thing that annoys people (AFAIK) is that the behaviour of the fringe lunatics is sanctioned officially by the religion. Lunatic christians (or catholics, jews, hindus, whatever) tend to be castigated by the religious leaders of their religion, not praised and offered places in heaven. Certainly the reaction in Australia to Mahathir (who praised the terrorists and condemned the Jews who control the world) will not help the cause of "moderate" Muslims. Surely if the "official" religious position is one of "jihad" against non-believers then it is understandable that the non-believers are not exactly going to be fans of supporters of that religion, moderate or otherwise.

Posted by: ozguru at October 28, 2003 07:10 AM

I have been reading a lot of muslim blogs of late and I really think those definitions are unwarranted and smack of American intolerance.
I think that your evaluation of the statement smacks of some sort of virus that seems to be quite rampant in your corner of the world. I like to call it Holier-than-Thou-itis. How many of these Muslim bloggers that you read take to their pens in anger every time a busload of women and children is vaporised in Israel? When some influential Mullah goes off and calls for the extermination of all infidels? When the PM of what is supposed to be a civilised country declares that the J-O-O-O-S rule the world? *Sound of crickets chirping* Yeah, I thought as much. I issued that statement as a rather grim joke, but that's my sense of humour for you. That being said, I'll state right now that any "moderate" Muslim that refuses to condemn any of the sorts of situations that I raised above in the hopes of bringing them to an end (or changing the mindset of the lunatic fringe) is nothing less than an accomplice after the fact. Look at it this way: if the Pope wandered up to his window next to St. Peter's tomorrow and proclaimed to a throng of people outside that it is the duty of every Catholic to go forth and slay as many Muslims as possible, do you think that most Catholics would just shrug their shoulders and mumble "Meh, it's just one of those cultural things that Muslims can't really understand; pay no attention to the silly old buffer."?? I think that the ensuing reaction might be a tad more radical than that; in fact, the word "firestorm" comes to mind somehow. Oh, incidentally, I'm Canadian.
Compare it to what Bush has done, AND is still supported by a majority of Americans, I think I need to come up with alternate definitions of 'moderate' Americans.
Yes, we all know that Iraq and Afghanistan were Heaven-on-Earth prior to 9/11. In fact, we should restore Saddam Hussein and good old Mullah Omar to power in both of these countries immediately, so that they can resume their benevolent and enlightened management forthwith. Who gives a rat's arse about Iraqis and Afghans anyway? Things are fairly cushy in Bombay. Bush is evil, bla bla bla bla bla bla, where are the WMDs, bla bla bla bla, why should Afghan girls have the right to go to school anyway? Yak yak yak, yak yak. Whatever.
I by no means support killing and butchery in the name of religion, but its high time we stopped pointing fingers at all muslims.
Well, as soon as the "moderates" (AKA the silent majority) start pointing fingers at those amongst them that are willing to spread terror, fear, death, and loathing around the world for the sake of eternal rewards and non-stop nookie in Paradise (and that day just can't come too soon), we'll stop doing our own pointing, mmKay? Until then, they don't get a free ride.
I'd really like to know how many Muslims Paul and Aaron know in real life.
Cliché as it may sound, two of my best friends are Muslims. The difference between them and the silent majority is that they consider themselves "people" first, and "Muslims" second. They know that their duty to Allah doesn't include condoning crime, treating women like dirt, and going along quietly with anything with whatever fatwa du jour has been issued by their religious leaders. Ditch the high horse. As for the rest, I'm with Ozg; and I apologise for hijacking your Comments section.

Posted by: Paul Jané at October 28, 2003 07:10 AM

I call "Bullshit". As you may have noticed, I haven't been in much of a blogging mood this weekend, but I have been

Posted by: Paul Jané at October 28, 2003 07:10 AM